All My Heart Can Take
Working Title
Written by
Ben Harper
Original Artist
Ben Harper
"All My Heart Can Take" is a working title for a suite of songs in various configurations that would become "Winter Is For Lovers." A portion of it was played as a configuration known as "Mutt." On its own, it was originally just "Verona."
When played as "Mutt," it featured a suite of "Brittany," "Montreal," "Bizanet," and "Brittany (Reprise)."
When played as "All My Heart Can Take/Mutt" the sequence went "Verona," "Brittany," "Montreal," "Bizanet," "Verona (Reprise)."
The most recent configuration of "All My Heart Can Take" went "Toronto," "Verona," "Brittany," "Montreal," "Bizanet," "Toronto (Reprise)."