Fistful Of Mercy
Written by
Arthur / Harper / Harrison
Original Artist
Fistful of Mercy
You say you feel life, down
Always down
Against the grave
You are
You say it's real life, down
Always down
Against the grave
We are
Maybe it's soft inside of hard
Fistful of mercy
Maybe it comes from where we are
Land of the thirsty, hungry
Lion heart
You say you feel life, down
Always down against the grave
We are
You say it's real life, down
Always down against the grave
You are
Maybe it's soft inside of hard
Fistful of mercy
Maybe it comes from where we are
Land of the thirsty, the hungry
We have a way of saving our own lives
Fistful of Mercy (Fistful of Mercy)
As I Call You DownSong
Fistful Of MercyMore about
Fistful of MercyDirected by
SBGFistful of Mercy
Fistful of Mercy