Having Wings

Written by

Harper / Ward / Nelson / Yates / Charles / Mobley

Original Artist

Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals

i heard a street singer
play a song i knew
and it brought me
closer to you
i heard a street singer
play a song i call my own
it brought me
to my childhood home

life is a blurry eyed heavy hearted
whirlwind of a storm
some things just hurt too
much to cry
memories are like shadows
the light won't make disappear
i still see you smiling
with your eyes

did you go back from
where you came
if i get there
will they have my name
if they don't i'll only
have myself to blame
for all these things
true happiness is having wings

for Nicole

Album Version

Live Version(s)

First Played

Last Played

All Times Played (45)
