
Written by

Ben Harper

Original Artist

Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals

life is much too short
to sit and wonder
who's gonna make the next move
and will slowly pull you under
when you've always got
something to prove

i don't want to wait a lifetime
yours or mine
can't you see me reaching
for the lifeline

you say that i misheard you
but i think you misspoke
i hear you laugh so loudly
while i patiently await the joke

i don't want to wait a lifetime
not yours
not mine
can't you see me reaching
for the lifeline

it's a crime with only victims
we're all laid out in a row
and it's hardest to listen
to what we already should know

i could hold out for a lifetime
yours or mine
yours and mine
can't you see me reaching for
your lifeline

Album Version

Live Version(s)

First Played

Last Played

All Times Played (158)
