Ithaca, NY
Cornell University
After "Excuse Me Mr." Ben said that there were two very special people at the show - Jon and Dave. It was Jon's 60th show and Ben thanked them. He also said that they hang out with the band a lot and that they are very tolerant to put up with the band since musicians can very often think they know everything about everything. Furthermore, he claimed he himself fights that tendency with all his soul. Ben also mentioned that it was David's birthday a few nights ago and that David tried to get away with not telling anyone. Many shouts of "Happy Birthday" followed including one of "Happy Birthday Steve" which had Ben and the band in stitches. One shout of "How old are you?" was met with the reply "Too old!" from David. After "I Shall Not Walk Alone" Ben said that he would like to play some more but that there are time constraints. Some of the staff had been there since 7am and they needed to get home.
Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
- Ben Harper
- Juan Nelson
- Dean Butterworth
- David Leach