10 Sep 2013
Dallas, TX
Granada Theater
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7:00pm PDT
Sold out show! Justin Pate sat in on piano.
Ben Harper with Charlie Musselwhite
Accompanied By
- Justin Pate
"Get Up!" was released on
"I Don't Believe A Word You Say" was released on
"The Blues Overtook Me" was released on
"Don't Look Twice" was released on
"When It's Good" was released on
"She Got Kick" was released on
"I'm In I'm Out And I'm Gone" was released on
"Blood Side Out" was released on
"Homeless Child" was released on
"I Ride At Dawn" was released on
"We Can't End This Way" was released on
"Long Legged Woman" was released on
"You Found Another Lover (I Lost Another Friend)" was released on
"All That Matters Now" was released on
2013-09-10 @ Granada Theater
From the concert
2013-09-10 @ Granada TheaterPoster by
Alex LodermeierBuy It
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